Fresh Cow Complimentary Feedingstuff
Dissolvable oral powder for the freshly calved cow to support reducing the risk of milk fever, subclinical hypocalcaemia and ketosis.
Vetfuzion™ Fresh Cow provides hydration. Does not block magnesium absorbtion. Dry yeast helps stabilise the rumen flora.
Instructions for use: For animal use only. Dissolve 1 sachet in 20 litres of warm water and administer in a single dose to the animal by means of a cattle pump and drenching set. Use for 3-6 weeks after calving. Administering 40L immediately after rolling can help reduce the risk of left displacement of the abomasum.
It is recommended that a veterinarian's opinion to be sought before use and before extending the period of use.
15 x 700g sachets to a box or sold individually.